New charts engine
We revamped the chart engine completely. Charts are now even clearer and more performant. Every chart support zooming, panning and many other options.
Not only the charts have been worked on. The series report has been refactored from the ground up and consists of changes like: checkboxes replacement with clever toggle buttons, quicker forms load, more efficient copy function and a copy function for the groups. Thanks to these changes, reports can be build with even more ease.
Serverside cookies
Our server side cookies have been improved for all customers using the own tracking domain. Cookie lifetime has been greatly extended and is even more reliable now. This gives fusedeck a further advantage in setting persistent cookies, even in an ITP affected environment.
Group for pie charts
A pie chart can be now used to display values in groups. Thanks to his feature, complex group data can be shown in a simple pie chart.
Group bucket
Groups can now be aggregated in buckets. This enables to create duration range buckets or quantity buckets to display values like average “Active Time” in ranges like: 0-60, 60-120, 120-180 seconds etc. or Session depth 0-5,5-10, etc.
Thanks to the new series element “Formula” complex KPI calculations can be done directly within the report.
Report icons
Icons represent the report type in the report list for a quick overview. There is a dedicated icon for Time-Series, Event and Funnel report.
Bug fixes
With every release, we have a high focus on getting rid of bugs that are reported by our community.