Geo heat-map report
The geo heat-map report represents a geographical heatmap of any numeric value. This flexibility enables you to not just see traffic quantities on a map, but also KPIs like scroll rates, engagement rates, events fired etc. The only limit: it has to be numeric.
The geo heat-maps blur and precisions can be changed at any time. All settings including the zoom and pan position are saved with the reports settings. Making it easy to use the report on a daily basis.

Callback on initialization
In the tag there is a new option to define the name of a global available function. This function will be executed as soon fusedeck is fully initialized. Thanks to this feature, complex dependencies can be realized between fusedeck and external scripts.
Campaign context
Thanks to two new functions introduced with this release, the campaign context can be transferred to any other fusedeck page. This is useful if you have two domains with one property. The “getCampaign” function returns the campaign context, the “setCampaign” contexts overwrites the current context. Both functions expect the property id as a parameter.
Options saved with the event report
All page related setting with the event report, are now saved with the main configuration of the event report.rt.
Usage section
In the main navigation you will find a new menu for “Usage”. The usage page displays the current used data storage if you are on a “shared stack” licence. The usage can be filtered by month or property and shows the used space for sessions, page views, users and events. Thus, the total rows can be viewed in the next release to see how your changes affect the amount of storage used.

Helper script
We now offer a helper script library to easily implement manual event firing, Data transfer via pixel, A/B testing and many more features. This library will be the base of many new features that do not correspond directly with the main framework.