Cookieless user tracking
We have again extended our cookieless tracking. Thanks to our new user based cookieless tracking, a user can be tracked across multiple domains with ease. Compared to our cookieless session tracking, this is not a GDPR safe tracking method. Its main purpose is to help capture complex lead funnels across multiple sites. All it needs is the property id to be equal.
IP adresses
Due to data privacy, we do not log IP-addresses in our system. This is why a filter can not be set on an IP-address. We now added the IP as a variable. As before, no IP is saved! But now you can decide in the Tag-Manager to have a separate Event only for certain IPs. For instance, you can use this feature to flag internal traffic. The IP address gets analyzed on runtime and does not need to be saved. Hint: In edge cases, you could store the IP to analytics. For instance to track fraudulent behavior.
Multi-environment submit
It is now possible to submit multiple environments at one time. We have changed the select box to a checkbox styled multi select box. This helps you to quickly submit one version to multiple environments.
Workspace pausing
You can now pause a sub workspace. Simply hit the pause button and submit a new version. This reduces the load of unwanted or unused triggers, grouped in a workspace.
Easier navigation
In order to make fusedeck even more effective, we added the functionality that the report section remembers the last opened or closed category. This makes navigating through reports even easier.