

Release Notes Oct 28, 2019

Salted and hashed user IDs

With our commitment to data privacy and security we obscured all user ids and session ids in the client by salting and hashing them. In a simple term, the user id saved in the cookie does not match any records in our database, without a further and secret processing. This gives as a huge edge over our competitors in terms of user privacy and of course the relating GDPR.

Opt-out pixel

The opt-out and opt-in can now be done by simply calling a pixel. As easy as it gets.

Ajax/Angular Forms

More and more pages are built on single-page frameworks like Angular or use Ajax to transport information to the server. With this version of fusedeck, we enabled the form trigger to listen to changes happening using these technologies.

Ad impression tracking and report

Using the fusedeck ad pixel, you can now track and report page impressions from your programmatic or direct (IO) campaign. Ad impression reports can deliver valuable information starting from Browser type all the way to geo locations.

Re-order groups

Groups can now be reordered in reports. This enables a quick change of the necessary aggregation level.

Common filter/groups

In order to provide a filtering over multiple layers of data, we introduced the common filter and groups. Values that are available between more than one record type (User, Session, PageView etc) can now be filtered in a AND context using the common record type.

Custom date groups

Thanks to the new group by function “custom” reports can be grouped in many different ways. Want to have a report grouped by the hour of the day? No problem, just use the custom format “HH24”. More examples and a more in depth help can be found in the next release.


Lon/Lat are now available as one single data point field. This can be used to easily export geo coordinates via the API to tools like Google Data Studio or Salesforce Datorama. The separate Lon/Lat fields remain existing.