
Dynamic content adaptation

Boost your performance with dynamic content adaptation that interests your customers at the right time. This allows you to increase engagement and conversion rates significantly. Achieve this with fusedeck® using A/B tests and multivariate tests that are particularly relevant for online marketing, e-commerce, and your target group’s user experience.


Dynamic content adaptation can be used with the fusedeck® platform without any extra technical effort. This feature is integrated in the system and can be rolled out via the user interface.

With dynamic content adaptation, two variants of a visualization are usually contrasted with one another in a process known as A/B testing. This can encompass images on the website, colors of click buttons or entire landing pages shown to users randomly. During the test, a user is always shown the same version. Here targets are defined, such as newsletter registration or higher engagement or scrolling rates. The results of version A (original version) are then compared with version B (test version) and analyzed to develop the perfect content for your target group.

fusedeck® also allows dynamic content adaptation in real time while a user is interacting with your website. Based on the insights from A/B tests, events can therefore be defined with respect to how the content on your website should change depending on the behavior of the current user (also see use cases).


There are many use cases for dynamic content adaptation. One example of popular integrations is to display a coupon personalized for recurring visitors. This is particularly effective when the tracking system detects that the user has come from a price comparison site and is on the verge of conversion.

Alternatively, especially engaged users characterized by a high dwell time can be offered a white paper to download via modal or pop-up.

Similarly, the cost-per-order (CPO) of campaigns can be optimized when A/B tests are used to determine which advertising from which campaigns and traffic channels produces the best results.

On the whole, A/B tests can be used to identify the most appealing content for your entire target group and thereby improve the performance of your engagement and conversion rates.

Use cases

Display similar or related products at the right points in the shop or on product pages. Dynamic adaptation in the shopping cart can increase revenues and sell more products.

When a user is inactive for a prolonged period, for example if they have switched to another tab in the browser and then return to your website later, there is a high probability that the user will want to close the tab. Retain users with such exit intentions by using a modal to offer a coupon, discount or call-back in case of questions.

If a user spends an unusually long time on a product page or hesitates in the shopping cart before completing a purchase, you can dynamically display contact options. For instance, the local contact person and their phone number, a chat bot or a contact form to prevent the customer from abandoning the process.

Any customer feels appreciated when they are asked for their opinion. For example, during the purchase process or in the event of certain triggers such as product views, a long dwell time or if you are unsure if the product is well-received by your customers. Allow fusedeck® to ask your customers for their valued opinion – dynamically and with the relevant content in mind. The net promoter score (NPS) can also be integrated in modals to learn how high the recommendation rate is.

Track products and your campaign traffic according to target group and have your content dynamically adjusted for B2B or B2C. For example, for business customers it may be more appropriate to display net prices, bulk discounts or explicitly highlight the option of payment on account, in order to increase the conversion rate measurably.

Without having to overhaul your shop or website, fusedeck® is able to address customers individually anywhere on your website. For instance, if customers have signed up with their name for a newsletter in the past or is logged into their account. This way, their attention for special offers can be increased with a personal greeting, thereby boosting performance.

With fusedeck®, you can also measure the active and inactive times for a page view and can visually highlight discounts for users who have become inactive to prevent them from leaving.

We would be happy to show you how you can use fusedeck® for your business.